Barn Owl / Masked Owl debate at Kingfisher Park

I may have missed something on Birding -Aus, but I was told recently that the ‘Tytos’ breeding at Kingfisher Park are (Easterm) Barn Owls and not Masked Owls. Is this correct?

Just interested – I’ve only seen pictures of these birds and they don’t look like the Masked Owls I’ve seen in SEQ…..


Rob Morris

Brisbane, Australia

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2 comments to Barn Owl / Masked Owl debate at Kingfisher Park

  • robert morris

    Dear All just to summarise, I have had numerous responses from people who have seen the Eastern Barn / Masked Owls at Kingfisher Park over the last 4-5 years. The unanimous response, including a response from Keith at Kingfisher Park is that the birds have been / are Eastern Barn Owls. The FNQ Masked Owls are much more like Barn Owls than the Masked Owls seen in SE Australia, however, it seems clear that a genuine mistake was made over their identity for a prolonged period of time due to their similarities. I have further details which Keith provided. I am sure that people who have seen them and thought they were Masked Owls would want to know this updated information. kind regards

    Rob Morris

    Brisbane, Australia

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  • Nikolas Haass


    Both in 2008 and in 2009 we had Eastern Barn Owls there (The debate was about the birds in 2008).

