Dear Friends,
Can anyone with access to any of the following titles check out some facts for me.
Tickell, W. L. N. (2000) Albatosses
What explanation (if any) does Tickell give for the split of Chatham Albatross Thalassarche eremita from Shy Albatross T. cauta; and of both from Salvin’s Albatross T. salvini?
Re Brooke (2004) Albatrosses andf Petrels across the world
Split of Amsterdam Albatross Diomedea amsterdamensis from Wandering Albatross D. exulans; Antipodean albatross D. antipodensis from D. exulans; Northern Royal Albatross D.sanfordi from Southern Royal Albatross D.epomophora; Campbell Island Albatross D.impavida from Black-browed Albatross T.melanophris; Chatham Albatross T. eremita from Shy Albatross T. cauta; Salvin’s Albatross T. salvini from T. cauta; and Indian Yellow-nosed Albatross T. carteri from Atlantic Yellow-nosed Albatross T. chlororhynchos.
I was able to find some pages from Google Books of Brooke (2004) and was able to look at his account of D. antipodensis. In that account, he only discusses why he treats D. gibsoni as a subspecies of D. antipodensis; he does not discuss here at all why he recognises D. antipodensis as a species distinct from D. exulans. Maybe he has in some other part of the book?
I’d also appreciate if anyone has a copy of Onley & Scofield (2008) offers any explanation for the same splits? Or do they just take them for granted?
Many thanks,
Dr John Penhallurick
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