Paynes Find Birding continued

– sorry accidental transmission of incomplete list

Richard’s Pipit Black-faced Cuckooshrike Welcome Swallow Tree Martin Willie wagatil Redthroat Quite vocal at many locations Crested Bellbird Very common Rufous whistler Chiming Wedgebill At least 2 calling at Warne River and 2 seen together. Yellow-rumped Thornbill Chestnut-rumped Thornbill Inland Thornbill Slaty-backed thornbill Splendid Fairy-Wren Variegated Fairy Wren one party at Warne River White-winged Fairy-Wren Parties at samprire outside Wubin Western Gerygone Only seen at Dallawlineu Red-capped Robin Striated Pardalote Mitletoebird Varied sitella Warne River Rd White-browed Treecreeper Warne River Rd White-fronted Chat One party outside Wubin Brown Honeyeater Singing Honeyeater White-fronted Honeyeater Common but skittish at Warne River (ie Mark did not see it) Spiney-cheeked Honeyeater Pied Honeyeater One calling male over Warne River Yellow-throated Miner Grey Honeyeater A pair near Farnk-O’Connor’s site SE of PF – another lifer for Mark, though Marieke, of course, has seen it many times before. Agreed highlight of the trip. Western Bowerbird One at Ningham Homestead Magpielark Black-faced Woodswallow Common Masked Woodswallow One high over Warne River Grey Butcherbird Pied Butcherbird Grey Currawong Heard only at dusk Magpie Australian Raven Torressian Crow Becomes much more common as you move north, from about Wubin Zebra Finch

The weather was great, probably did not exceed 30 degs during the day, and quite fresh in the mornings. It was very noticeable how dry and quiet things got as we headed back to Perth. Looking at Birdata, no birds are particularly out of range but there is a near absence of records at this time of year. Without doubt, the birds are breeding up post rains, with a lot of activity all through the day. So if you get a chance, head up the Great Northern. It would be great to hear what’s happening further north towards Cue and the heavier rainfall areas.

Acknowledgements to Frank O’Connor for bringing the region to our attention through his excellent website; the good folk of Dallwalineu who got us on the road again on Saturday; and the people at Ningham Station for putting us up at such short notice.

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