Hi Tony,
Sorry for the late entry but I was away and only now trying to sort through Birding-Aus stuff.
This may be old news BUT…
Thick-billed Grasswren:
According to the Subspecies list V3 of IOC, A.t.modestus (Mt Lyndhurst version) is the only one split off as A.modestus and retains Thick-billed. A.textilis is now renamed to Western and A.t.myall (the Iron Knob, SA version) is a subspecies of textilis and is also now Western – So you don’t need to go to Monkey Mia to see Western as we have them right here in SA!! TICK!
PS. I have been having fun with my new found freedom away from C&B…. Albatross galore!!
5 new ones for OZ and many more world wide as I scan through the 33929 lines of Subspecies info….
Have a great year!
World Checklists
from [ http://bioacoustics.cse.unsw.edu.au/archives/cgi-bin/namazu.cgi?query=%2Bfr om%3Apratincole%40esc.net.au&idxname=birding-aus&sort=date%3Alate> Tony Russel]
[Permanent http://bioacoustics.cse.unsw.edu.au/archives/cgi-bin/mesg.cgi?a=birding-aus &i=000601cbaad1%24535b99f0%24fa12cdd0%24%40net.au> Link][Original http://bioacoustics.cse.unsw.edu.au/archives/cgi-bin/extract-mesg.cgi?a=bir ding-aus&m=2011-01&i=000601cbaad1%24535b99f0%24fa12cdd0%24%40net.au> ]
“‘Phil Gregory'” < sicklebill@optusnet.com.au>
World Checklists
“Tony Russel” < pratincole@esc.net.au>
Mon, 3 Jan 2011 09:33:53 +1030
Aaaaarrggghh ! Everyone tells me this is easy at Monkey Mia carpark, but it didn’t show when I looked for it for a couple of hours !!! This could have been an armchair tick for me if it had. Bugger, now I’ve got to go back again. Guess I needed an excuse anyway, and I could go for the hartogi wren as well. Think I’ll wait for some cooler weather though. Thanks for the heads up Phil.
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