Coccos citizens.

Hi Carl,

The residents of Coccos in the vast majority are Australian citizens, and very proudly so. Many are 3rd and 4th generation, it is their religion only that may differ to the majority on the mainland.

When I was there the Governor General visited and they paid their respects and treated him with far more honour than many on the mainland would.

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1 comment to Coccos citizens.

  • Carl Clifford


    Yes, I know the people of Malay descent are proud Australians, despite their forefathers having been “blackbirded” from Java, Cape of Good Hope and other areas in the early 19th C and having been subject to virtual feudal rule up until the mid 20th C. I have met a couple of Cocos Malay people and found them to be fine people, just as I have found Malay people to be in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia.


    Hi Carl,

    The residents of Coccos in the vast majority are Australian citizens, and very proudly so. Many are 3rd and 4th generation, it is their religion only that may differ to the majority on the mainland.

    When I was there the Governor General visited and they paid their respects and treated him with far more honour than many on the mainland would.

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