Lyrebird in Brisbane – surely not!!

I was at a particularly lush and forested part of Fig Tree Pocket ( a suburb of Brisbane) today and was assured by someone that they had just seen a Lyrebird foraging in the dense growth near the road! My response was to say they arent found in Brisbane but was assured that the bird was brown, had a long brushy like erect tail and was definetely not a brush-turkey which the person was very familiar with – for a short moment I thought -” could this be possible!……. What else could it be I thought! …… thinking, thinking ………and then it appeared ………. A Peafowl – apparently around the area from the nearby Koala Park!

Certainly no Albert’s Lyrebird…….but I had a quiet chuckle about it!


David Taylor Brisbane

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1 comment to Lyrebird in Brisbane – surely not!!

  • Chris Sanderson

    Hi David,

    That’s just around the corner from me. Those peacocks have been there for over 25 years! I suspect they are looked after or at least fed, but they basically run wild through Lone Pine and occasionally outside the gates.

    Regards, Chris

    On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 10:13 PM, david taylor ===============================

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