inland dotterels and global warming

I just saw three inland dotterels between Quorn and wilmington south australia-many 100's of kilometres further south than I have ever seen them before.  The two seen well were in breeding plumage.  I assume they have come South due to lack of rain due to global warming.
since we have been allowed to move around SA I have been to three locations all of which have had mainly dead vegetation and very few birds.  These places are Flinders Ranges, Gammon ranges and chowilla island in the Riverland.
I was aware of global warming and the drying of SA but seeing these areas has hit me  hard.  The lack of birds in these places was to be expected when I saw the landscape as  we all know that birds need vegetation, vegetation needs water.  We need water.  Camping in Gammons on a four day hike was an eerie experience to be camped on a creekline, surrounded by dead trees and not a sound.  If anyone wants photos,  I can send them.
Birdlife Australia appears to me to be focusing on a minor issue when they want us to take action to stop the Federal government from weakening the Environmental Protection Biodiversity and Conservation Act.  Global warming has already far outstripped any effects that this weakening will have.
I looked at Birdlife Australia's website and there is a policy on global warming but I never receive an emaill update about global warming as an issue that Birdlife is tackling.  It is not listed under their campaigns.
I know many people on this forum agree that global warming is the bigggest threat facing our birds (and the future of the birds, is not separate from our future).  I think Birdlife Australia should make it front and centre of their activities.   

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