Poor little guy! Wings in tatters, hopelessly lost and spending most of his days bunkered down in the sand to keep out of the wind. And now who’s coming. Not another birdwatcher. Can’t I get any peace? Lake Wollumboola. It looked like a good refuge. When I get back home, that’s if I get back home, I’ll tell them where I’ve been in the last six months and they’ll say “Where on earth is that?” and “did you have a good time?” A good time! I should have worn a disguise. I tried to keep a low profile and blend in with the stints but some smart-arse with a telescope always pointed me out. Some of them did wear disguises. Who were they kidding! They took so many photographs I felt like a celebrity. Sneaking up in the sand dunes – now I know how the royals feel. And that’s not all, the water in that lake had a lousy taste from all the swan shit – you should have seen them – there were thousands of them. To add to that you wouldn’t believe some bloody land developer wants to settle hundreds of humans on the western shore. Yuk! One weekend (weekends were the worst) this guy flew over in a powered glider and landed on the beach. You should have seen the panic and I simply had to try to keep up. Then there was the lady with a dog. There were no dogs allowed but she had it on a lead – the lead was a 30 metre length of rope. Now I’m good at skipping. Seriously, this is one unhappy wader. Easy to tell because he allows a very close approach – doesn’t want to move – sure sign of a sick bird. So if you simply must get some photographs, cut him some slack. There are good pictures on my website which you are welcome to use, taken with a 1500 mm lens, so I didn’t have to chase him. It’ll be interesting to see when the stints leave next month or so whether he tries to follow. Wish him luck. Or her! Cheers Graeme Chapman
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hmmmmm Graeme…..well said!! & so nicely put too!! I’ve always preferred to hang back when observing or photographing birds, especially migratory Asiatic waders – it’s always nicer to have the birds come within your space naturally, & then presto, that space becomes theirs too!! a relaxed bird & a happy birdo!! not that I think there’s anything wrong with twitching a rarity & trying to get nice shots too – BUT we always have to regard the bird’s welfare first… so go see it, watch it, take lots of pics, but don’t go closer than say 30mtrs I reckon… just my 5 cents worth for all of us, especially with migratory waders & especially at this time of year when they are regenerating strength & condition to head back north… … & if u see the lady with the dog or anyone else doing same, then SCREAM at them to take a wide birth!!!! I do it all the time when i’m at the Cairms Esplan, esp after January when the birds are trying to stock up their energy supplies & not keep burning them due to undue disturbances… cheers, martin cachard, cairns
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