Compact camera

Thanks Paul, The Fuji S1 ticks all my boxes, on paper at least, and less expensive than the Nikon 1V. Which suggested another option, just carry a spare of a less expensive brand in a plastic bag in with the lunch pack. One Nikon costs about three Fujis. For me, ultimate Picture quality is not the issue, compacts, even this phone, have good enough pictures within their range . Cheers Michael Sent from my iPhone

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3 comments to Compact camera

  • albirdo

    Hi Pete – yes the thought had occurred to me – however the gear went into the water at about 9:30 at night, so the initial response had to deal with what I had at at about 10:30 pm. Rice, dehumidified air and desiccants will all do the same job and that is draw out the moisture from the air surrounding it – I think the air-con would have less susceptibility to become saturated with moisture, so that the drying process can continue unconstrained??? Kind regards, Allan

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  • peter

    I wonder if the trick mobile phone users employ of burying their wet phone in rice for a few days would have done a better job, Allan. Peter Shute Sent from my iPad

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  • albirdo

    A word of warning Michael – weatherproof doesn’t mean waterproof and you may still have issues with cumulative moisture when in high humidity locations. As previously mentioned a good desiccant procedure or careful use of air conditioning will be critical to keeping your camera from becoming disposable. Although it is lovely to have our air-conditioning really low to refresh ourselves, it will make your camera too cold and make it fog quickly when you take it outdoors. Better to run air-conditioning in hot locations as warm as you can stand (25-26 deg C is good), this will prevent fogging when going outside and acclimatise yourself to the local conditions better. I dropped a 7D – 100-400 combo into the drink last February (not advised) and the camera stopped working – about a day in front of the air-conditioning vents revived the lens and after 3 days in front of the air-con the camera turned on – for an hour. I continued to persevere with it, putting it inside an esky with hungry hippo desiccant and it finally became reliable again – albeit without flash operation and the odd turning on of rear-view of it’s own volition – I call it the automatic battery waster, so have to be careful to turn it off. That being said, if the camera had fell into saltwater, corrosion would have made continued use impossible. All the best, Allan

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