Hello all
While I am not at liberty to disclose too much yet, I have good information relating to the validity of the find. Watch this space.
Here is what my friend wrote to me on June 4 at 7:57am and I have scientist contacts who are in the know, but will not disclose anything. And I am glad they are not.
“Hello Akos..guess what I just found the holy nocturnal green grail in the desert. I have been quietly looking for it for 8 years. I am stunned beyond belief. It is the find of my life and I have hundreds of images feathers for DNA. Hr video and much more. This is going to blow the lid off the bird world when released in Bris around the end of June. The highlight of my birding life. A bird that has not been seen for over a hundred years alive. Be safe -insert name here-.”
And another message:
“Hello again Akos-yes indeed I have and the goose bumps go up my spine every time I look at the images-hundreds of them. What a beautiful bird. The news will hit the deck world wide in about 4 weeks. I will be critised heavily for not giving the site out-but for me the bird is to precious – cheers to you and your family a BLOODY EXCITED – insert name here – ”
I believe it is very genuine and feel blessed to have the privilege of knowing well ahead of time. I cannot think of anyone who deserves to have achieved this accolade more than this fellow. He is a legend and my idol in many ways and hope he does not give any locations, or any hints to protect the birds. One can imagine the hordes of salivating twitchers stomping over each others’ heads to tick a new species off. Maybe me old mate Teddy will find them at Nurragingy next. Who knows?
Tweetios Akos L
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