State of Australia’s ‘at-risk’ birds

At you will find a list giving status, including all those regarded as critically endangered Sandra Henderson, Canberra

On Sunday, June 23, 2013, John Tongue wrote:

> Hi all, > Some may have seen the reports in some of the mainstream media (at least > the Age and Sydney Morning Herald) last week about the dire state of many > of our Australian birds. These articles were reporting on an international > Conference held in Canada looking at the state of the world’s birds. > > The articles stated that we currently have 20 “Birds” (it sometimes > referred to species, but was sometimes more vague than that), which are > presently listed as Critically Endangered. Could anyone tell me which > those species/sub-species/races are, and on which list I can find them? > The only list I’ve been able to find has 6 avian taxa (species or > subspecies) listed for Australia, though contacts have referred me to > others which may list up to 10. If the figure of 20 is correct, then the > situation is even more serious than had been presumed (which is certainly > bad enough), and the RATE of decline is especially alarming. > > Thanks in advance for any advice and assistance people can give. > > Cheers > John Tongue > Ulverstone, Tas. > =============================== > > To unsubscribe from this mailing list, > send the message: > unsubscribe > (in the body of the message, with no Subject line) > to: > > > =============================== > ===============================

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