BARAU’S Petrel (BARC submission required), Gould’s Petrel, Sooty Tern, release of Gray-faced Petrel off Sydney!

Nikolas et al,   What a remarkable sighting – congrats to all aboard and especially to those eager shutterbugs that have captured some great images of the bird. It goes to show that it’s always worth having at least a couple of people armed with long camera lenses stationed about the vessel, and not just binocular lenses. Things like the Stejneger’s Petrel probably would never have been picked up without the brigade of ‘water-pipes’ on board pelagic trips these days (though the images of the Barau’s suggests it was reasonably showy).   I noticed that Paul W hasn’t posted the Southport trip report yet, but looking at the Birdline posting they had a very good diversity of species the same day as the Sydney trip (5 spp. of Pterodroma for a start).   As I started to compose this message I actually did have a vacancy on the Port Stephens pelagic a week Sunday (24th Feb), but it just went!   However, many of the people who have their names down did so a few months ago and I am yet to confirm with them, so it is possible that some other vacancies will come up.   Contact me off-line if you’re interested.   Mick

________________________________ From: Nikolas Haass To: birding-aus Cc: Libby Hall ; Hal Epstein ; Roger McGovern ; Joan Dawes Sent: Tuesday, 12 February 2013 11:59 AM Subject: [Birding-Aus] BARAU’S Petrel (BARC submission required), Gould’s Petrel, Sooty Tern, release of Gray-faced Petrel off Sydney!

This Sydney pelagic (9th February 2013) produced the first BARAU’S Petrel off the Australian East Coast!  For pictures, see Raja’s website:

The water temperature was 26degC. We will submit a detailed report to BARC. 

The other great highlight was the release of the Gray-faced Petrel recently found by Joan Dawes at Circular Quay (23rd Jan; Eremaea/Birdline #163338). When the bird was found it was covered in a fine oil and required several washes and waterproofing prior to release. This was done by Libby Hall and her team at Taronga Wildlife Hospital. I (NH) released the bird at Brown’s Mountain at 10:15am while other Gray-faced Petrels were circling the boat. It was fantastic to see the bird fly away in his classic Pterodroma-manner! 

Other highlights were 2+ Gould’s Petrel along with two Sooty Terns. 

Roger McGovern will post a detailed report soon.


Nikolas and everybody on Hal’s Halicat

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