HBW Support

Just a brief note to let everyone know of the great support I have received from the publishers of HBW.

I received HBW15 a couple of days ago (I subscribed later in the program) and unfortunately it had some production problems (pages cut incorrectly, ink stain on page edges).

I contacted Lynx Edicions and they asked me to cut out and send them the title pages (which happened to be the damage ones) so as to make the item “unsaleable”. They needed this to be done for insurance purposes. They were also prepared to pay for the cost of postage (it was only $7.85 so I didn’t worry about it).

In the meantime, they are despatching a replacement copy immediately.

Hard to fault service like that!

*Neil Shelley* ===============================

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1 comment to HBW Support

  • Kim Sterelny

    Dear All

    Let me confirm Neil’s positive experience. Some years ago, my copy of one of the volumes never found its way to me; HBW sent another copy by express, no questions asked.

    They seem to be a class act Kim

    Just a brief note to let everyone know of the great support I have received from the publishers of HBW.

    I received HBW15 a couple of days ago (I subscribed later in the program) and unfortunately it had some production problems (pages cut incorrectly, ink stain on page edges).

    I contacted Lynx Edicions and they asked me to cut out and send them the title pages (which happened to be the damage ones) so as to make the item “unsaleable”. They needed this to be done for insurance purposes. They were also prepared to pay for the cost of postage (it was only $7.85 so I didn’t worry about it).

    In the meantime, they are despatching a replacement copy immediately.

    Hard to fault service like that!

    *Neil Shelley* ===============================

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    Kim Sterelny Philosophy Program RSSS, ANU and Philosophy Department Victoria University Wellington

    e-mail Kim.Sterelny@anu.edu.au, kimbo@coombs.anu.edu.au or Kim.Sterelny@vuw.ac.nz

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