
Dear All,

just wanted to say thanks to all who helped me with gen for my trip last week to Kioloa / Murramarang. It was mostly work but I squeezed in some quality birding including 20+ lifers.

Tues evening flew into Canberra and early am I drove to Kaleen where I had three lifer parrots before breakfast:

* Australian King Parrot * Crimson Rosella * Superb Parrot Eastern Rosella

I stopped at the top of the mountain in a layby and walked into the forest for 20min so, seeing:

* Eastern Whipbird * Eastern Yellow Robin * Lewin’s Honeyeater Treecreeper sp.

Then to Kioloa. A walk to the beach before my colleagues arrived at lunchtime yielded:

* Black-faced Monarch * Yellow Thornbill * Leaden Flycatcher * Hooded Plover 100s unidenitified Shearwaters Caspian Tern

Early am before work on Thurs I walked up the trail beyond the ANU campus into the forest:

* Southern Emu-wren * Brown Thornbill * Rufous Fantail * Wonga Pigeon * Superb Lyrebird (my target, and performed beautifully — 2m, 4f, but sadly no photos of a male) * Noisy Friarbird Grey Currawong Rainbow Lorikeet Eastern Spinebill Welcome Swallow Australian Pelican Galah Variegated Fairywren Superb Fairywren White-browed Scrubwren Australian Pipit Nankeen Kestrel Silvereye Red Wattlebird Little Wattlebird

No more birding until Sat am before I had to be back in Canberra. Spent the morning walking the Discovery Trail at North Durras lake, and the nearby “Rainforest Walk” by the beach. New birds for the trip were:

* Satin Bowerbird (5-6, but sadly only females) * Scarlet Honeyeater (2) * Large-billed Scrub-wren * Gang-gang Cockatoo White-bellied Sea-eagle White-faced Heron White-cheeked Honeyeater New Holland Honeyeater Golden Whistler Australian Hobby

Finally made a 30min stop aruond 2pm in Monga NP on my way back to Canberra

Red-browed Finch * Striated Thornbill

[* lifer or Australian tick]

Very quiet at that time of day but looked like a great spot.

Thanks again to all!


1 comment to Kiola

  • John Tongue

    Sounds like a great trip, Ian!

    John Tongue Ulverstone, Tas.


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