Port Fairy Pelagic Report plus Sanderling

Many thanks to Neil Macumber for organising the Port Fairy pelagic at the weekend. It wasn’t the most bird rich trip but nice for photography – a very large number of White-faced Stormies and good numbers of Yellow-nosed Albatross. http://birdswingbirdingwildlifetours.wildiaries.com/trips/11077-Port-Fairy-Pelagic On the way back we stopped and had a look at Sanderling … a flock of 58 no less. Amazingly beautiful. http://wildiaries.com/trips/11076-Sanderling It was great to meet new birders and thanks a million to Kevin for driving us and to Scott for putting up with the Mustoe’s nasal duet during the early hours of Sunday morning.

Regards, Simon.


Simon Mustoe Tel: +61 (0) 405220830 | Skype simonmustoe | Email simonmustoe@ecology-solutions.com.au

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