White-Throated Needletails at Macquarie Park, NSW

Hi List, This must be my year for Needletail sightings! At 11:35 am my 16 year old son & I arrived at Macquarie Centre to buy school shoes. Getting off the bus I glanced up to see a flock of White-throated Needletails soaring directly above Herring Rd, Macquarie Park, NSW. GPS co-ordinates -33.776793,151.118746 . They were soaring about pretty fast but both of us consistently counted between 50-60. The temperature was 24C & quite humid, overcast with heavy grey clouds with patches of sun breaking through. After about five minutes the birds coalesced into a tighter flock and flew higher out of sight. However, when we came back out of the centre at 1:10 pm, we could still see 6 White-throated Needletails soaring about in the same position. No time to look further for more as our bus arrived. From Jenny Stiles


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