Why are some Grey Goshawks white?

Hello All,

I started this line with a serious question about “Why are the C. Sparrowhawk & B. Goshawk so similar?” or that was my intention. There have been two sets of suggestions, that are interesting but appear to me to be mutually exclusive and certainly don’t settle the question. Though I was not really expecting we could know for sure.

This has quickly gotten way way off the track to problems of identifying hummingbirds and reed-warblers and now why are some Grey Goshawks white. Why don’t you change the subject line or start something new if you want to raise an unrelated issue. I see no connection of the subject header to these other issues either in specifics or in the general issues about convergence.

For what it is worth, I too have seen white morph Grey Goshawks in situations suggesting they are taking advantage of looking like cockatoos and something that adds to this idea, I have (I think in Lamington NP in SE Qld) seen a grey morph Grey Goshawk perched in a tree with several Topknot Pigeons that also look quite similar. It may be coincidence or intentional. No way of knowing from a one off observation but that has nothing to do with the subject line that people are posting under.

For what it is worth, there doesn’t need to be just one reason why some Grey Goshawks are white. There could be several aspects involved.



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