Have you fed or observed people feeding native birds? (Survey)


I’m looking to generate a data set of patterns of bird feeding to review for a geography conference this year. I’m looking for cases where native species of wild birds are fed in Australia on a regular basis – where the birds are intentionally fed, not opportunistically feeding from bins or picnic tables. In the case of pelagic species, I am looking at cases where the birds are fed on regular basis (e.g. a daily bird tour) – not brought by burley spread on a monthly boat trip.

Could you please send me your observations (off line) with the location, a description of the situation, the pattern of the feeding, the food being provided, the species being fed and the date (range) of your observations.

For example, a rainforest lodge on the Atherton Tableland provides string bags for guest to place fruit (bananas) to bring in the local birds. The location was Lake Eacham, the situation was rural rainforest, the pattern of feeding was food placed in string bags, the food was bananas, the species were Victoria’s Riflebird, Macleay’s Honeyeaters, Spotted Catbirds, and the date would be Sep 2009.

Similarly, yesterday I watched people feeding the birds at O’Rileys. This would equate to O’Riley’s (Lamington Plateau); rural garden near rainforest; hand feeding; seed; King Parrots, Crimson Rosellas, Red- browed Firetails, Jan 2013.

Alternatively a neighbour feeds birds from her kitchen window. This would equate to Brisbane; suburban garden; hand feeding from kitchen window; meat; Laughing Kookaburras, Pied Currawongs, Pied Butcherbirds; 2012, 2013.

Regards, Laurie.


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