feral cats and immigration (The Age)

After my somewhat intemperate outburst regarding the publication of Professor Adrian Franklin’s piece in The Age earlier this week (I called it “the biggest load of crap this side of a dysentery epidemic”), Birding-Aus filled up for a day with far more useful posts than mine about the feral cat problem. I would like to thank all those people whose posts led me to links that I quickly assembled for an opinion piece of my own by way of reply. I was intending to do this anyway – but those replies saved me a lot of time in research, and I thank everyone who contributed to the topic. These replies need to be written quickly if they’re to be published, so it was a great help. I trust I haven’t plagiarised anyone! I did borrow the superb quote from Ross Macfarlane’s brother at the end, which I acknowledged, though not by name.

The piece appears in today’s Age, quite to my surprise (no one contacted me to tell me it was going in) – http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/a-feral-cat-is-not-a-metaphor-its-a-furry-killing-machine-20130112-2cmqi.html?rand=1357994295512

One thing that got edited out of my short bio at the bottom was that I keep my lilac-point ragdoll indoors!

Thanks again

Andrew ===============================

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