I strongly disagree, David. In your previous e-mail you said “Australia is striking because, with limited exceptions, if you can get a good look at a bird, you can name it to species. That’s not the case in Europe, North America, the Neo-tropics, Africa or Asia, so far as I know. “. All these groups you mentioned in this e-mail (see below) may be ‘tricky’ but in all cases you made you can nail the ID by a good look at the bird. There are only a few exceptions where you want to hear a song or at least a call (e.g. Willow/Alder Flycatcher – Empidonax). Which other tryants can’t you identify “if you can get a good look”? Maybe some Myiarchus spp. Yes, hawks (especially Aquila eagles) and gulls are difficult, but not because they are more ‘more difficult’ in the Northern hemisphere – there are way more species in the Northern hemisphere! BTW, all of them are identifiable by a good look (help: age the bird before you go to species level ID). Shorebirds – yes Long-billed/Short-billed Dowitcher are difficult but not un-IDable in the US but what about Grey-tailed/Wandering Tattler and Pacific/American Golden Plover here in Australia? They may be difficult but you can ID them in the field. Same issue applies for terns worldwide – not only in the Northern hemisphere. “Pelagic birds” – are you referring to tubenoses? – are more numerous in Australia and hence we have some ID challenges here (e.g. the different Wandering Albatross taxa some of which you can only ID in hand). Yes, juv Allen’s/Rufous Hummingbird is almost only IDable in hand. Can’t think of difficult alcids. Yes some flycatchers are difficult but what about Leaden/Satin Flycatcher (yes, they aren’t flycatchers) here in Australia? Scaup are easy provided you get a good look. Icterids – Meadowlarks are difficult but again IDable in the field. Can’t think of New World Warblers and Vireos, Tanagers, New World Sparrows (Buntings – maybe female Black-headed/Red-headed Buntings) and Finches (o.k. if you split all the former Red Crossbills) that are unIDable in the field.