Cairns and Michaelmas Cay-Hastings Reef

Hi all,

Thanks to everyone who responded to my RFI.

Cairns Botanic Garden/Centenary Lakes, Sat, 19th June: Little Kingfisher at Saltwater Creek mangroves (distant looks) Blue Tiger

Cairns Botanic Garden/Centenary Lakes, Sun, 20th June: Red-necked Crake (glimpses of one skulking through dense undergrowth; I think I now know every Scrubfowl and Brush-turkey there by name!) a male Myiagra flycatcher looked good for a Satin Flycatcher (how unlikely would that be?)

Cairns Esplanade, Sun, 20th June: a good number of Great Knots (one in breeding plumage)

Michaelmas Cay, Mon, 21st June: few birds in general, usual suspects, difficult conditions as it was very windy and the water very rough, due to the low tide we weren’t able to surround the cay Hastings Reef: good snorkeling: 3 Anemone Fish species, 3 Angelfish species, 11 Butterflyfish species…



—————- Nikolas Haass Sydney, NSW


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