Hi all, I spent an enjoyable morning birding at Gluepot the other day. As reported earlier, Scarlet-chested Parrots have finally left their breeding area but the good news is that they have been relocated within the reserve. I got some excellent photos this time! I was also fortunate enough to come across a Malleefowl, which allowed photographic views. Many times I heard and saw Striated Grasswrens from the car and I heard (but didn’t bother tracking down) a Red-lored Whistler singing. Finally a mixed flock of miners (including some ‘Black-eared’) was active on the main track out. There you go, Gluepot’s current ‘big 5’ in less than 5 hours! For those interested, the links in the signature block will lead you to the photos. However if you’re thinking of heading out there, yesterday’s wild weather dumped 102.4 mm of rain (almost half the annual average!) so the roads will be closed for the next few days. Also, it is planned to have another feral animal control session late Jan/early Feb which means some (not all) parts of the reserve will be closed then. cheers Peter