Pelagic survey off Port Stephens 17-06-2010

Hi all,

Last Thursday (17th) Alan Stuart and I joined the local Marine Parks Authority for another seabird survey off Port Stephens, NSW.

It was an interesting day, with a fairly low diversity of species seen on the shelf. For 90% of our time there we were watching 3 species, with brief visits by others. Only 2 species of Albatross seen, despite the good variety enjoyed off Sydney just 5 days earlier and the reasonable numbers of Fairy Prions. The highlight was a single WHITE-HEADED PETREL that graced us briefly before continuing north.

Birds observed – Total (max. number around boat at one time):

Wilson’s Storm-Petrel  – 6 (4) White-faced Storm-Petrel – 2 (2) Black-browed Albatross (all but 1 melanophrys) – 4 (1) Yellow-nosed Albatross – 50 (8) Hutton’s Shearwater – 1 Fairy Prion – 80 (15) Solander’s Petrel – 20 (5) WHITE-HEADED PETREL – 1 Australasian Gannet 130 (70) Crested Tern 10 (8) Silver Gull 30 (20)


Mick Roderick

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