Tawny Frogmouth posture

This is the local Frogmouth with its week-old chick. Just wondered about the pose it’s holding. Any information? https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s320x320/316665_10150492824568125_638123124_10501353_1943650278_n.jpg

Debbie Lustig Phone 0402 887 248www.facebook.com/savetheobp


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1 comment to Tawny Frogmouth posture

  • Chris Corben

    Hi Debbie,

    it’s watching you! The

    “bog standard “I’m not a Tawny Frogmouth”

    is actually something they only do when afraid of something. When it sees the threat as having gone, it will relax down into its typical pose, which looks more like any normal bird. In the pose you saw, the Frogmouth is trying to be less conspicuous, but it is watching you intently! And despite the common belief that this is how Frogmouths sleep, I have never seen any evidence that Frogmouths sleep, and even if they do, this sort of pose is what they do when very alert – a time when sleep is presumably least likely!

    Cheers, Chris.


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