Pied Currawongs on Brampton Island

Hi all,

I’m hoping to tap the collective knowledge of the mailing list regarding Pied Currawongs on Brampton Island off the coast of Mackay in QLD. I was there between the 10th and 15th of June this year and one of the first things I noticed was the calls of Pied Currawongs were absolutely nothing like the calls of birds on the mainland. They didn’t even really share the same tone, with the island birds being very musical. Beyond this, Tim O’reilly and I both felt these birds had far more white in their wing and tail than mainland birds we had seen. I’ll be posting some photos shortly to Wildiaries and will let you all know once these are up, but in the interim I was wondering if anyone knows what the deal with the Brampton Island currawongs is? Are they mentioned in HANZAB as being different from mainland birds?

Regards, Chris =============================== www.birding-aus.org birding-aus.blogspot.com

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