Bird Hide at Lake Cargellico

Hi All, We have just spent a few days in Lake Cargellico. It is about our fourth visit since being alerted to this great spot by Birding Aus subscribers. We found the L.C. Men’s Shed have erected two well made bird hides. One is at the old sewerage ponds. The construction is well placed and comfortable and we managed to view a Spotless Crake at quite close range along with several Baillons Crake and Little Grassbird. It’s true that the approach is still a little bare and therefore the larger birds moved away when they saw us coming but not so far we couldn’t identify them. We called in at the shed to congratulate the men and they have plans to do some planting on the approach.

Werner and Julie Neumann, Happy Wanderers We still call Blue Mountains home Mob: Next G 0429130679


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