Hi David, actually I did say it was in the 1960/70s. Having been asked to be more specific by Rohan Clarke today I phoned Peter Lansley whom I knew had a good memory for dates and he responded instantly with the fact that we saw the bird off Cape Schanck on 8 August 1976! I suspect that he would have proffered the time if I’d asked!!! In research today I came up with following list of dates that I know for older records of Chatham Albatross in Australia.
08.08.1976 adult seen from shore close-in off Cape Schanck, Vic. by Mike Carter, Peter Lansley & Geoff Price. 28.08.1976 near adult off Eden, NSW, seen & photographed by Mike Carter published in Peter Harrison’s (1985) Seabirds Photographic Book (p. 37). Caption therein says ‘June’ but that is wrong. For just 10 minutes on one day between 03 & 13.01.1981, an adult was ashore on Albatross Is., Tas. Seen by David Nicholls who has a photo somewhere. January 1983 an adult ashore on Albatross Is, Tas. by Nigel Brothers. Photo p. 126 in Lindsey (1986), (Photo. Index Seabird book ). Although the caption is wrong in stating that the bird is an immature the date could be right because I have duplicates of two other slides of that bird by Nigel Brothers dated 17 Jan. 1983. 27.07.1985 a puzzling bird we considered was a sub-adult Chatham’s at sea off Wollongong. I have three slides of this bird. This shows a broad dark border to the outer edge of the underwing (beyond the carpal) a feature that also shows in adults where it is much neater. I’m pretty sure I have another later record but that will be hard to trace. My record keeping and cataloguing fluctuated with paid work load in that period.
Mike Carter 30 Canadian Bay Road Mount Eliza VIC 3930 Tel (03) 9787 7136
Whoops! Peter may have a mind like a steel trap, but mine is more like a bucket full of holes. Of course, it was 35 years ago last month …
I seem to recall it was approximately 11.17 am Mike. And it was 35 years ago tomorrow! It’s still my favourite albatross, whatever it’s taxonomic status
Mike, there we go, Peter is a steel trap, unlike me. Bet he would remember looking at Harper & Kinsky 1st ed too and what you had for lunch! seems like Reid & James was a pretty lousy review of Australian records but a good review of Tasmania records, only 1 shy (ha ha). So between your list and James & Reid there are 8 records, excluding the 1985 gong bird and the “later” record. Then there are Batemans Bay Aug 1999, Gong July 2002, Sydney Aug 2002 and Eagle Hawk Neck Sep 2011. 12-14 records, by my reckoning. Any more?
David James, Sydney burunglaut07@yahoo.com ==============================
Sent: Tuesday, 6 September 2011 8:00 PM
Hi David, actually I did say it was in the 1960/70s. Having been asked to be more specific by Rohan Clarke today I phoned Peter Lansley whom I knew had a good memory for dates and he responded instantly with the fact that we saw the bird off Cape Schanck on 8 August 1976! I suspect that he would have proffered the time if I’d asked!!! In research today I came up with following list of dates that I know for older records of Chatham Albatross in Australia.
08.08.1976 adult seen from shore close-in off Cape Schanck, Vic. by Mike Carter, Peter Lansley & Geoff Price. 28.08.1976 near adult off Eden, NSW, seen & photographed by Mike Carter published in Peter Harrison’s (1985) Seabirds Photographic Book (p. 37). Caption therein says ‘June’ but that is wrong. For just 10 minutes on one day between 03 & 13.01.1981, an adult was ashore on Albatross Is., Tas. Seen by David Nicholls who has a photo somewhere. January 1983 an adult ashore on Albatross Is, Tas. by Nigel Brothers. Photo p. 126 in Lindsey (1986), (Photo. Index Seabird book ). Although the caption is wrong in stating that the bird is an immature the date could be right because I have duplicates of two other slides of that bird by Nigel Brothers dated 17 Jan. 1983. 27.07.1985 a puzzling bird we considered was a sub-adult Chatham’s at sea off Wollongong. I have three slides of this bird. This shows a broad dark border to the outer edge of the underwing (beyond the carpal) a feature that also shows in adults where it is much neater. I’m pretty sure I have another later record but that will be hard to trace. My record keeping and cataloguing fluctuated with paid work load in that period.
Mike Carter 30 Canadian Bay Road Mount Eliza VIC 3930 Tel (03) 9787 7136
Hi All, I have been away for a couple of days so forgive me if someone has already mentioned this record. I saw an adult CIA off Wollongong in October 2002. Fabulous bird – extremely striking with its dark grey head and chrome yellow bill. Well done everyone in Tassie who got the most recent sighting of a CIA in albatross. Regardless of how many times it’s been seen here before, it is still a sensational bird to see in Aus waters. Cheers, Inger
Inger Vandyke
Professional Wildlife Photographer and Writer Expedition Leader – Western Tibet Expedition (16 September – 7 October, 2013) Assistant Publicity Officer – Southern Oceans Seabird Study Association (SOSSA)Author – The Scrub Turkey Chronicles http://scrubturkeychronicles.blogspot.com/ Mob: 0402 286 437
http://www.ingervandyke.com http://www.ingervandyke.blogspot.com
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