Hi Roger,
Further to your note about occurrence of this species: in 1999 (the most extraordinary year of pelagic birding off south-eastern Australia in my memory) an adult was observed off Bateman’s Bay on 7 August, followed by another (or possibly the same bird) off Wollongong on the 22nd. I was present on the latter excursion and it was memorable indeed.
Andrew ===============================
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I’ve got 15 listed in an ad hock manner since this thread started, needs editing for accuracy and full attributions added but I haven’t got time to do it at the moment. Am I correct that there were two Chathams on Albatross Island during 1985 and 1986.
Cape Schanck Vic. 8August1976 Mike Carter Peter Lansley Geoff Price, near adult off Eden NSW 28August1976 Mike Carter, January 1981 an adult ashore on Albatross Is Tas David Nicholls, January 1983 to 1986 an adult ashore on Albatross Is Tas Nigel Brothers, second bird Albatross Island 1985 to Sept1994, 27July1985 imm Wollongong Mike Carter, David James and Tim Reid The Mewstone Feb1995, Nigel Brothers Pedra Branca March1995, Tim Reid sth of Tasmania June1996, Chris Gladwin Bateman’s Bay 8 August 1999, Wollongong 22 August 1999, Wollongong 12 July 2002, Sydney 12 August 2002, Inger Vandyke Wollongong Oct2002, Eaglehawk Neck pelagic Tasmania 3 Sept 2011
Cheers Jeff.