Eaglehawk Neck, Tasmania – Pelagic Reports 3&4 Sept 2011

Hi all,

Yes, this was indeed a fantastic trip – (my) highlights were clearly Chatham Albatross, Light-mantled Sooty Albatross and the Soft-plumaged Petrels! Thanks again for organizing, Dan! Thanks to everyone who responded to my earlier e-mail: We were quite successful finding our non-pelagic targets: Long-nosed Potoroo: 3 on a private property in Hobart Eastern Barred Bandicoot: 1 in a suburb near Hobart Waterworks and 1 female with a small juv at Hobart Waterworks Southern Bettong: 2 at Hobart Waterworks 40-spotted Pardalote: 1 at Peter Murrell (together with Spotted and Striated in the same tree); great looks, much better than a a few years ago on Bruny Island Scrubtit: 3+ at Ferntree, Mount Wellington, great looks, also much better than a few years ago Tasmanian Southern Boobook: 1 at Eaglehawk Neck – looked small and dark reddish

We dipped again on Tasmanian Masked Owl (we looked/listened at Hobart Waterworks, Eaglehawk Neck and Pittwater Road, where a couple of Musk Lorikeets peaked out of a (the?) tree cavity) We spotlit the roads around Eaglehawk Neck but didn’t see any other nocturnal mammals/birds of interest (no Tasmanian Devils, no Eastern Quolls around Eaglehawk Neck – in contrast, a few years ago we had 7 Tasmanian Devils and 10 Eastern Quolls in the  Lake St Claire/Cradle Mountain area) We also didn’t see Swamp Quail. We didn’t have time to look for the other mammals I mentioned in my request.




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