Hi All,
Spent the morning birding around Gold Creek Reservoir, about 40 minutes west of downtown Brisbane.
The area is known locally as a good spot for White-eared Monarch, and I found a pair of these along the sealed road leading up to the reservoir gate, near the third creek crossing as you leave the reservoir. They were in company with a few Spectacled Monarchs and a pair of Rufous Shrike-Thrushes. While still birding the road, both Grey Goshawk and Brown Goshawks soared overhead, and a few pairs of Little Lorikeets rocketed past. Scarlet Honeyeaters were common and Australian King-Parrots and Brown Cuckoo-Doves were found feeding along the side of the road.
In the reservoir area itself a few female Satin Bowerbirds and Varied Trillers were around, and on the slopes to the north of the dam wall I came across a Noisy Pitta which gave good views. White-naped and Yellow-faced Honeyeaters were about, but not much else exciting.
Not a bad start to the week. If anyone has any questions, please let me know.
Regards and good birding!
Nick Leseberg
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