Hi all,
Does anyone know what has happened to the Travelling Birder website? I have not been able to access it for over a week now. Does anyone have contact details for someone who works with TB?
Thanks! Bert Harris, Adelaide ===============================
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Good old Mr Peabody, the Wayback Machine links to Travelling Birder still work up until 20 July.
I have emailed the owners of Travelling Birder to see what is going on.
Carl Clifford
You could try the wayback machine: http://wayback.archive.org/web/*/http://www.travellingbirder.com
Click on a marked date to see a view of the website then. I looked at July 20 and it seems ok, but I didn’t try any of the links.
Peter Shute
You could try the wayback machine: http://wayback.archive.org/web/*/http://www.travellingbirder.com
Click on a marked date to see a view of the website then. I looked at July 20 and it seems ok, but I didn’t try any of the links.
Peter Shute
A great shame if it has disappeared.
The site had some trip reports actually held on it but others were simply referenced so it should be possible to find those – for example many of the reports are on http://www.birdtours.co.uk. I can’t remember which other sites were referenced though!!
I use iDrive (and previously used Moxy) both of which give you reasonable amounts of storage online (unless you are a photographer) for free with the option of paying for more. The first backup takes days, but after that they just back up the changed things more or less as you work. I have had to restore files from both of them (the ultimate test – in one case after getting water in my laptop and using everything) and they worked perfectly!
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A timely warning – it’s always a good idea to have important data in several places. With the amount of free web hosting around, that shouldn’t be too difficult. I use Dropbox and Evernote daily, and I’d hate to see either of these disappear, but if they do, I have data backed up elsewhere.
A little different, but related, is the issue of backing up your own computer. Lots of people in the Victorian bushfires (and others) told how they had backed up their family photos and other important data – but the backup drive was sitting next to the computer when the fires hit. The only way to do this safely is to buy two external drives, and put them in different places, e.g. work and home, and backup as often as you can.
Of course, if half your bird records are still in dozens of notebooks awaiting digitising, like mine, then I guess your goose is cooked, so to speak …
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Unfortunately websites come and go – it takes money (and passion!) to keep a website up and running, and there have been many instances (not in the birding field) where one or other runs out. I guess sites run by “organisations” are less likely to go under than those run by individuals (and I don’t know who ran this site) but even then I would never entrust my data solely to a website!
Of course it may be a slight technical problem which can sometimes take a day or more to fix, so worth trying again in a day or two I guess.
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Bert, I have looked at Travelling Birder over the last few days and it just comes up with amessage saying that the Domain is hosted by UnoEuro.com. Links to any of the existing reports which I have bookmarked don’t work any more. It may be that the website has been shut down which would be a shame as it is a very useful website for looking at recent trip reports. At one stage last year the website was hacked by a group who appeared to randomly select sites that had Israel within their contact and give you a message when entering. I contacted the moderator at the time and they were aware of it and eventually fixed it a couple of days later. Not certain if I have the correspondence but will have a look and see if I can track it down and contact them again. Cheers, Peter
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Hi Bert,
I have just done a Ping and a Whois search using 6 different Whois servers and all came up blank. I think that Travelling Birder may have become extinct.
Carl Clifford
Hi all,
Does anyone know what has happened to the Travelling Birder website? I have not been able to access it for over a week now. Does anyone have contact details for someone who works with TB?
Thanks! Bert Harris, Adelaide ===============================
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