Hi all,
I haven’t managed to get out birding much lately, but on the weekend finally managed to head out to the Lockyer Valley with Nick Leseberg (my first visit since the extensive flooding in January). It was a great day, with ten species of raptor including several sightings of Black Falcon, nearly every species of duck possible in SEQ, and just a generally nice day to be out birding. After their near complete absence from the region last year, some dry-country waterbirds are starting to be seen in the Lockyer again, with a Yellow-billed Spoonbill and several White-necked Herons seen in the area. I’m still waiting for Red-kneed Dotterels to return, as this was a species I expected to see last year and managed not to find, or even hear about any records in the Brisbane area for the whole of 2010.
I’ve done a brief trip report at http://aussiebirding.wildiaries.com/trips/10693 which breaks the day down by site.
Cheers, Chris ===============================
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