Song Thrush – South East Melbourne

Hi all, A post mainly concerning Melbourne birders, but still potentially valuable information for interstate listers! Song Thrush appears to be an increasingly difficult bird to track down, particularly for those in the South East side of Melbourne. I think it’s scarcity is due to the decreasing amount of English styled gardens in Melbourne. I . . . → Read More: Song Thrush – South East Melbourne

Remarkable new African Hoax- the Tuluver

I read the text to the right of the photo – apparently it is a hoax! The name is an anagram of Vulture. The late naturalist and bird expert James Fisher (died 1970) once contributed a hoax-bird to a BBC broadcast – on April Fools Day. The Hoodwink – /( Dissumulatrix spuria). /It must have . . . → Read More: Remarkable new African Hoax- the Tuluver

Remarkable new African discovery – the Tuluver

Hi everyone Thought this may be of interest to many here: The BirdLife South Africa facebook page has news of an absolutely amazing discovery, the Tuluver. I couldnt see much more info online. There is a full frame image of what looks half Secretary Bird half pigeon. Surely a new family. I wondered if . . . → Read More: Remarkable new African discovery – the Tuluver