I was wondering if anyone can help id this feather, found today in Docklands, Melbourne. My guess is Little Wattlebird, but I thought it should have a white tip if it is.
I was wondering if anyone can help id this feather, found today in Docklands, Melbourne. My guess is Little Wattlebird, but I thought it should have a white tip if it is. I have just seen on ABC TV a program “Roger Swainston: Drawn to water”. About the artist of the fishes of Australia book and other things. I don’t know if it is on iview. He is a fabulous artist. Equal to William Cooper for birds (and seems surprisingly similar). But he does all . . . → Read More: A marine William Cooper see www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/10/191007113341.htm Birding-Aus mailing list Birding-Aus@birding-aus.org To change settings or unsubscribe visit: birding-aus.org/mailman/listinfo/birding-aus_birding-aus.org On Tuesday the Port Phillip Nature Park issued a media release saying that they were arriving late but in good health. Wish the globe was. www.penguins.org.au/news/latest-news/new-news-page-33/?fbclid=IwAR0CYr9VAjA1Oko_7MAgYBJdmCuTKgTlLp5qz5p8YxVT6zpzrul83cqw3-Y Michael Norris
Does anyone have up to date bird sighting for Uluru and Alice Springs, or knows of anyone that I can get in touch with that could point me in the right direction. Is there anyone out there that had been there and can recommend places to visit. I’m heading there . . . → Read More: Central Aust.Trip. Hi All, We are running a mid-week pelagic on Wednesday 16th October. There are a few spaces still available. Contact details can be found on the web site http://sydneypelagics.info/ Cheers — Sydney Pelagics W: sydneypelagics.info E: contact@sydneypelagics.info M: Greg 0405 578 967 or David 0408 905 666 WEB SITE | BOOKINGS | PICK-UP . . . → Read More: 16 October 2019 Sydney pelagic – ADVERTISEMENT Just back from an amazing but bird- poor tour of California looking at its remarkable trees, including many “champions”, ranging from awesome Redwoods and Sequoias through scores of conifers, including the worlds oldest living single-trunked tree, the Bristlecone Pine, almost 5000 years old according to tree ring counts, looking like a giant bonsai with mainly . . . → Read More: Home tweet home. This is extremely worrying. It is not unusual for large numbers of shearwaters to die at sea, especially when they encounter major storms. But this event seems to be something more serious.
Stephen Ambrose Ryde NSW Hello, I am heading North (from NSW) bird watching. On previous trips I’ve planned to visit Eungella on the way back but simply run out of time. This time I planned to go there first. After closer inspection via Street view I feel part of the road to Eungella will be too much for . . . → Read More: Bird watching Mackay and Eungella We are currently on a Dendrology tour of California NSE and West, The general paucity of birds is remarkable. Apart from American Crows here and there one can drive hundreds of miles, freeways and otherwise, without seeing anything avian other than an overstuffed turkey sandwich. Seabirds an exception. Sent from my iPhone > On 26 . . . → Read More: Birding-Aus Digest, Vol 71, Issue 21 |