last minute vacancy on Top End NT birding tour Aug ’21 (advertisement)

Hi all, Even though it's still a few months away, a last-minute vacancy for 1 or 2 people has arisen on our 7-day "Best of Top End birding tour", commencing in Darwin on 29 August 2021. We will be looking for the sought-after Gouldian finch, the rare Hooded Parrot, the localised Chestnut-quilled Rock Pigeon, . . . → Read More: last minute vacancy on Top End NT birding tour Aug ’21 (advertisement)


The growth could be pox (AKA Avian Pox) a viral infection which often presents as warty lesions on the mucous membranes. Not uncommon in many Australian species.


Chris Lloyd



Birding-Aus Digest, Vol 90, Issue 7

I have seen more cases of magpies brought into my veterinary clinic this season with pox virus lesions than previous years . As mosquitoes and other biting insects play a role in its transmission I have assumed our impressive recent rainfall is a major factor. Mike Fitzgerald Alstonville

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Magpie affliction

Hi all,

Our local magpies had chicks this year and one of the juveniles came in to try t swipe some dog food from the bowl at our place (Como on the Woronora River, Southern Sydney)

I could see it had something wrong with its eyes so went to get binoculars . . . → Read More: Magpie affliction


A few observations: March 20 – watched huge flocks of large waders circling around and landing on Mangroves surrounding Hickey Island opposite Calypso Caravan Park in Yamba. I could accurately identify, as Whimbrels, the 20 or so birds that landed on the nearest mangrove but could not be confident about the others which could have . . . → Read More: Waders

latest iteration of Nikkor lens

Thanks to everyone for their helpful information. I have found a solution! cheers

— John Leonard


I am visiting Canberra in mid-April for a few days and wondering whether any local birder can recommend a site / sites for Olive Whistler. Thanks Andrew Wood

. . . → Read More: RFI OLIVE WHISTLER

latest iteration of Nikkor lens

Could someone who is up in these things give me a clue what to search for. For the past decade or so I have been using a Nikon V1 body and 1 Nikkor VR70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 lens. This is not a SLR set up but a sort of system that mimics an SLR at a . . . → Read More: latest iteration of Nikkor lens

Swift sighting 29 March 2021

Gooday Michael and birders,

Homestead Waterhole Prince of Wales Is. Coordinates 10 37 36 S 142 11 31 E

29 March 2021 15.00 Very high 6 Swifts sni. By the time I got my glasses the birds were out of view and were heading in Northerly direction. Strong SE breeze and . . . → Read More: Swift sighting 29 March 2021

Turquoise Parrot

Thanks everyone for this ID. My daughter said she could get close enough to to get a photo on a phone so suspects it may be an aviary escapee. I’ve not been lucky enough to see one yet. A beautiful bird indeed.

Chris Melrose

Chris Melrose Mobile: 0407705140

Birding-Aus mailing list To change . . . → Read More: Turquoise Parrot