Rosella deaths

We have 2 nesting boxes in our back yard and over the last 3 years Eastern Rosellas have raised chicks in one of the boxes. On 4 October there were 4 bonny, but still naked, chicks about 100mm long in one of the boxes. They were receiving constant attention from both parents. We were away . . . → Read More: Rosella deaths

Les Chandler: veteran bird photographer

A nice item on ABC TV Landline just now, about Les Chandler, who was a soldier in WWI, but on his return home for years did some excellent bird photography, mainly it seems around the mallee regions. This was long ago when photography was difficult. It shows what has happened with his collection. . . . → Read More: Les Chandler: veteran bird photographer

new genus for regent parrot at some point?

Out of interest, I noted that this paper: has data showing that the regent parrot is an offshoot that gives rise to the red-winged parrot and jonquil parrot – i.e. more closely related to them than the other polytelis parrots. Cas

new genus for regent parrot at some point?

Out of interest, I noted that this paper

Birdpedia – Australia – Weekly Digest

The following is a digest of Sightings Reported on Birdpedia for the period Monday, September 27, 2021 to Sunday, October 3, 2021:

Area: SA

Location: Newland Head CP

Elegant Parrot (Neophema elegans) (30) Large flock were feeding along the track and perching on the fences as we drove to the northern area of the park

. . . → Read More: Birdpedia – Australia – Weekly Digest

Predation by Pied Butcherbird

A contact in the Cooranbong area supplied this image with a report of a Pied Butcherbird attempting to take a Peaceful Dove and then successfully killing and eating the intestines from this Bar-shouldered Dove. HANZAB certainly references PBs taking small passerines like House Sparrow and Double-Barred Finch, but this seems like an unusually large . . . → Read More: Predation by Pied Butcherbird

NSW+ACT Twitchathon 2021 announced

Hi All,


For those in NSW and ACT:

BIGNET have moved to go proceed with the NSW and ACT charity Twitchathon this year, at end October.  Participants must proceed as legal COVID restrictions allow.


We’ll be looking to raise $20K+ for the Montague Island . . . → Read More: NSW+ACT Twitchathon 2021 announced

Sydney birds coping with lockdown

An interesting article about how Sydney birds around Circular Quay are adapting to the absence of tourists and locals. Chris Gregory

Souterh Boobook (Rainforest / Red Boobook) lurida calling

This lurida (Rainforest or Red Boobook) began calling by our house at Topaz at 2250 and carried on constantly until 2354. It was a bright moonlit night and I was surprised it was so vocal, calling about 20 times per minute or once every 3 seconds, so it gave over 1000 calls in that . . . → Read More: Souterh Boobook (Rainforest / Red Boobook) lurida calling

Nesting Whistling Kites

We have a pair of Whistling Kites nesting in a tree close to our house. From the times given in HANZAB I suspect is around a week until hatching. I am keeping an eye on them to see what I can learn about the process. The thought has occurred that if anyone is studying . . . → Read More: Nesting Whistling Kites