By seashore, on October 15th, 2021% Some time ago while driving on a country road close to my home in East Gippsland I hit a Magpie head on. I stopped and looked back. Immediately the other members of the Magpie family flew down to the dead or injured bird and began pecking at it vigorously as it lay there prone . . . → Read More: Magpie Injury Behaviour
By Birding-Aus, on October 14th, 2021% Recently in outback Queensland (Boulia) and came across Crested Pigeon nesting in Magpie Larks nest. HANZAB says they do nest in large old nests. Has anyone seen nest in Magpie Larks nest? Geoff Shannon
By nagrompr, on October 14th, 2021% Driving to Grafton today, saw a magpie killed on M1 – 110kph. Luckily, it went behind the vehicle in front. I thought it was lucky because I wasn’t close enough to hit it. However, just as it came out from behind the front vehicle, it exploded into a whole lot of feathers and slammed . . . → Read More: Magpie killed by wind?
By Birding-Aus, on October 14th, 2021% A couple of months ago we saw a Whistling Kite carrying sticks into a copse of Angophoras next to our house, Eventually we saw the nest, clearly visible from our deck. The birds started sitting in it and (after a pause of about 3 days during a very gusty period) a bird occupied the . . . → Read More: Nesting of Whistling Kites
By Birding-Aus, on October 12th, 2021% Some of the old-timers on birding-aus will remember the occasional contributions from Paul Oliver. Paul grew up in the UK and went touring in Africa in his 20s. As often happens in Africa, something bit him and he stayed to settle in Arusha Tanzania. He was a pioneer in the modern safari industry and developed . . . → Read More: Vale Paul Oliver
By Birding-Aus, on October 11th, 2021% We have 2 nesting boxes in our back yard and over the last 3 years Eastern Rosellas have raised chicks in one of the boxes. On 4 October there were 4 bonny, but still naked, chicks about 100mm long in one of the boxes. They were receiving constant attention from both parents. We were away . . . → Read More: Rosella deaths
By Birding-Aus, on October 3rd, 2021% A nice item on ABC TV Landline just now, about Les Chandler, who was a soldier in WWI, but on his return home for years did some excellent bird photography, mainly it seems around the mallee regions. This was long ago when photography was difficult. It shows what has happened with his collection. . . . → Read More: Les Chandler: veteran bird photographer
By Birding-Aus, on October 2nd, 2021% Out of interest, I noted that this paper: has data showing that the regent parrot is an offshoot that gives rise to the red-winged parrot and jonquil parrot – i.e. more closely related to them than the other polytelis parrots. Cas
By Birding-Aus, on October 2nd, 2021% Out of interest, I noted that this paper
By Birding-Aus, on October 1st, 2021% The following is a digest of Sightings Reported on Birdpedia for the period Monday, September 27, 2021 to Sunday, October 3, 2021:
Area: SA
Location: Newland Head CP
Elegant Parrot (Neophema elegans) (30) Large flock were feeding along the track and perching on the fences as we drove to the northern area of the park
. . . → Read More: Birdpedia – Australia – Weekly Digest