By Birding-Aus, on December 12th, 2021% Hi everyone, I have a new field guide to habitats of the world, which will hit Australia in January. There have been a few webinars and talks on sites like the Smithsoinian, but this is a conversation with an American nature journalist and tour guide, Christine Elder. Tuesday 9am QLD time. Check it out. . . . → Read More: Interview about Habitats of the world filed guide.
By Birding-Aus, on December 11th, 2021% Hi there😊 Anyone like to tell me some must see birding hotspots around Tenterfield at this time of year? Thanks Kirri
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By Birding-Aus, on December 10th, 2021% Hi all,
Would love your thoughts on a curios occurrence from last Sunday evening.
I live in Como, suburban southern Sydney (34S, 151E) and was walking home after a few Christmas drinks with friends near the junction of the Georges and Woronora River.
It was after 8pm and also after . . . → Read More: Curious Como bird
By Birding-Aus, on December 8th, 2021% Hi everyone I'll be in Melbourne for a few days and just wondering if anyone feels like taking out 2 or 3 of us in the next few days to the treatment works now that its open again? We prefer Monday. Very happy to pay petrol etc or to pick someone up as we'll have . . . → Read More: Werribee
By Birding-Aus, on December 6th, 2021%
By Birding-Aus, on December 6th, 2021% I’ve seen hundreds of Magpies but never seen that before! I just want to say that it’s really cool looking!
On Sun, 5 Dec 2021 22:05:15 +1100 Penny Brockman <> wrote:
> > > > A friend send me this photo of a magpie with blue feathers. Has anyone > seen such a combination . . . → Read More: Blue,Black & White magpie
By Birding-Aus, on December 5th, 2021%
By Birding-Aus, on November 25th, 2021% Our intrusive Koel disappeared after we played Sarrowhawk calls every time. the Koel called,. The Koel stopped calling and presumably flew off after three or four minutes. Did return a day later but was silenced after one playing of the sparrowhawk call.
Otherwise plenty of birdlife, including two (? a pair) of Whipbirds, . . . → Read More: Biological control 2
By seashore, on November 18th, 2021% Do birds really accept Cuckoo’s parasitic behaviour magnanimously… I know one Willie who doesn’t approve… “everyone knows the deal is rotten”.
Chris Shaw 409 675912www.ararelitus.comAfter the game, the King and the Pawn go into the same box. – Italian proverb
. . . → Read More: Everyone Knows About Cuckoo’s
By Birding-Aus, on November 17th, 2021% SA's borders are opening next week! To celebrate, we've put on an extra departure of our 6 Grasswren tour in early Dec., the time of year when many Grasswrens are at their most active. Also good chances of Grey Falcon, Inland Dotterel, Gibberbird, Flock Bronzewing & many other mouth-watering outback birds! Contact me directly . . . → Read More: SA borders opening: Special Grasswren tour departure – ADVERT