FW: Spring has sprung!



From: Wim Vader <wjm.vader@gmail.com&gt; Sent: tirsdag 7. juni 2022 13:10 To: Willem Jan Marinus Vader <wim.vader@uit.no&gt; Subject: Spring has sprung!


Spring has sprung in Tromsø


When my daughter Marit and I returned from our long weekend on Svalbard last Tuesday, Tromsø . . . → Read More: FW: Spring has sprung!

From Birding-Aus

There are four categories of bird found in Australia (mainland and Tas): 1. Vagrants; these are birds from outside the region and are found in ones and twos or small numbers and not regularly, they do not breed. 2. Winter visitors from northern hemisphere, mainly waders; these come here in our summer during the northern . . . → Read More: From Birding-Aus

Sooty Oystercatchers at Beachport and Gaelic Folklore

Kelp is just seaweed right… not if you are just an Oystercatcher… https://www.ararelitus.com/blog/sooty-oystercatchers-at-penguin-island Regards Chris Shaw seashore@internode.on.net+61 409 675912www.ararelitus.comAfter the game, the King and the Pawn go into the same box.  – Italian proverb 

. . . → Read More: Sooty Oystercatchers at Beachport and Gaelic Folklore

FW: Long weekend at 78*N

Well today was colder in GLoucester than in Tromso. 12 c at midday and a cold wind off the snow in Barrington Tops. We’re having an early taste of winter and this chill is said to last a week.  I much enjoyed your trip to Svalbard. It’s thousands of birds preparing to breed. So . . . → Read More: FW: Long weekend at 78*N

Australian birds – numbers

Hi all,

I had a few questions regarding the number of bird species in Australia.

How many bird species have been sighted in mainland Australia and Tasmania (but excluding islands / territories like Christmas Island, Norfolk Island and Heard Island, etc.).

How many bird species are resident in Australia?

Is a bird considered . . . → Read More: Australian birds – numbers

Massive Numbers of Black Swan at Lake George in SA

Morning all I get a thrill out of seeing large congregations of birds in one area so a visit to Lake George in South Australia at the moment would see massive numbers of Black Swan that were there during a recent visit (end of May 22). Good time for a visit… apart from the . . . → Read More: Massive Numbers of Black Swan at Lake George in SA

FW: Long weekend at 78*N



From: Wim Vader <wjm.vader@gmail.com&gt; Sent: mandag 30. mai 2022 22:01 To: Willem Jan Marinus Vader <wim.vader@uit.no&gt; Subject: Long weekend at 78*N


Long weekend at 78*N

Longyearbyen on Svalbard is, at 78*N, the northernmost township in the world. It started out as a coal mining . . . → Read More: FW: Long weekend at 78*N

Long weekend at 78*N (Willem Jan Marinus Vader)

Many thanks for your continued updates. Happy birding. On 3 Jun 2022 2:00 am, birding-aus-request@birding-aus.org wrote:

Send Birding-Aus mailing list submissions to birding-aus@birding-aus.org

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You can reach the person managing . . . → Read More: Long weekend at 78*N (Willem Jan Marinus Vader)

Birdpedia – Australia – Weekly Digest

The following is a digest of Sightings Reported on Birdpedia for the period Monday, May 30, 2022 to Sunday, June 5, 2022:

Area: SA

Location: On our Rockleigh property

House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) (1) Species number 91 ! And what do we see ? A female house sparrow. Couldn’t it have been something more exciting . . . → Read More: Birdpedia – Australia – Weekly Digest

FW: Spring at last!



From: Wim Vader <wjm.vader@gmail.com&gt; Sent: onsdag 25. mai 2022 10:53 To: Willem Jan Marinus Vader <wim.vader@uit.no&gt; Subject: Spring at last!


I last mailed from Tromsø on 30 April, with the heading: "How long was Adam in Paradise?", and a description of the return of winter . . . → Read More: FW: Spring at last!