Hi all we are seeking HELP.
We have just released an eight (8) month old Sea-Eagle at Sydney Olympic Park, NSW. It has just gone through four month of care and rehab. before release. see Sea-EagleCAM.org Media Release . We did not get the chance to attach a tracking device but we do have a very identifiable image of the eagle. The damage affected the left wing, she has lost the S1, secondary one feather. This will not grow back due to the damage to tissue and ligaments.
We would appreciate if you see a Sea-Eagle Juvenile please send us a photo or sighting.
This will be valuable information for the Rehabs. NPWS, Higher Ground Raptors Center, Feathered Friends, Birdlife Southern NSW and Se-EagleCAM.
also new cameras http://www.sea-seaeaglecam.org/video.html