Unusual large gull at Geraldton, WA

Also just a quick heads up the Mike Lawrie has photographed an unusual large gull at Fisherman’s Wharf in Geraldton – waiting on an ID as I don’t know gulls well, but clearly not Pacific and therefore likely to be of major interest Cheers,John ===============================

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1 comment to Unusual large gull at Geraldton, WA

  • John Graff

    The general consensus amongst those that know more than me is that the bird is most likely a Kelp Gull. So a good bird for WA, especially the west coast, but probably no reason for checking frequent flyer points for those in the east :) Cheers,JohnFrom: jgraff2@hotmail.com

    Also just a quick heads up the Mike Lawrie has photographed an unusual large gull at Fisherman’s Wharf in Geraldton – waiting on an ID as I don’t know gulls well, but clearly not Pacific and therefore likely to be of major interest

    Cheers, John