Dear All
Over the last 40 years my Mulgoa Valley birdlist has totalled over 220 spp including many seasonals, vagrants and one -off accidentals. More during inland droughts .
Although development has been largely staved off in the Valley itself, Mac-mansions are carpeting onetime surrounding bush and pastureland with a gradual reduction in species but there are still many to see and hear despite local drought. Should see at least fifty in an hour’s walk up the hill.
We did have about 20mm rain a few weeks ago, paddocks have been green but browning off very fast over the last very hot and windy week.
Yesterday a, presumed Japanese, Snipe flushed off the mud around a remnant puddle where there was once a dam.
Swamp hens persist by coming up to the house garden, a real nuisance, but otherwise no other previously resident ducks, moorhens or coots. The Snipe was a pleasant surprise, wasn’t there today.
Where do the water birds go? To coastal lagoons? Or do they just die?
No doubt they will return and rapidly repopulate should it ever really rain again.
Sent from my iPhone
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