RFI Barbary Dove Adelaide

I am visiting Adelaide on Monday 20th to Wednesday 22nd. I have the following sites for Barbary Dove from information sent to me last year (thanks Bob Way, Trevor Cowie and Barbara Harvey).

Ballara Avenue, Warradale 10 Lily Avenue, Campbelltown Greenfield Wetland, nr Mawson Lakes Cost-less Plants, OG Road, Klemzig Durant Street and Netherby Avenue, Plympton 54? Oaklands Rd, Oaklands Park Albert Street (cnr William Street? – Stan Watson Reserve?), Prospect

Any suggestions on which site is likely to be the easiest? I haven’t booked accommodation yet. Probably near the airport.


_________________________________________________________________ Frank O’Connor Birding WA http://birdingwa.iinet.net.au Phone : (08) 9386 5694 Email : foconnor@iinet.net.au


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