money talks trash

An interesting response to a anti plastic sea waste ad by Greenpeace.

Carl Clifford ===============================

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4 comments to money talks trash

  • Mark Stanley

    Perhaps whoever is curious, might ask Coca-cola themselves why they are against cash for containers. A hint that you might boycott their products if the answer is unreasonable – especially considering that the scheme runs in SA – might make them think it is more worth while not to oppose this sensible measure.


    Mark Stanley

    Message: 4 Cc: “” Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

    Because it will cost them money.

    Carl Clifford


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  • Carl Clifford

    Because it will cost them money.

    Carl Clifford


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  • peter

    Can anyone tell me why Coca-Cola is against cash for containers?

    Peter Shute

    Sent from my iPad


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  • Clive Nealon

    I’m so grateful that Channel 9 considers it is shielding me from offensive material. That ought to lead to its cancelling a large portion of its programming.

    Regards, Clive.