Morning Rob Could the first be an immature Yellow-plumed Honeyeater and the second juvenile Gilbert's Whistler? Geoff
Morning Rob Could the first be an immature Yellow-plumed Honeyeater and the second juvenile Gilbert's Whistler? Geoff G’day avid bird watchers. I have just completed adding all of the last seasons WTNT sightings to my database and so are ready to start working on the season’s statistics. So if you have any sightings please let me have them pretty soon. Many thanks to all those who have already sent their sightings to . . . → Read More: White-throated Needletail Sightings Hi All. Going through some old photos and think I may have mis-identified these two birds. Have the first as immature Grey-headed Honeyeater and second as immature Red-lored Whistler. Both taken at Nombinnie NR, NSW. Could someone please confirm, or correct? TAI. Rob Quinan . . . → Read More: Bird ID Hi Paul, Mike, Thanks for your input to the discussion. I feel more confident Birdata is the most logical/useful place to enter standardised survey data with the intention of furthering bird conservation. Looking forward to the interface updates! If anyone is interested in the paper Paul mentioned, the full version is available for free . . . → Read More: Birding-Aus Digest, Vol 68, Issue 7 Firstly thank you Jack for submitting standardised surveys into birdata. It really does help BirdLife Australia run State of Birds reports and indices which inform bird conservation priorities and decisions: birdata and eBird are complementary in a country with such a large land mass and low population density, except for our cities. You . . . → Read More: eBird or Birdata (Jack Worcester) Hi Jack eBird is in some ways more user friendly but Birdata is the national bird database and entering bird survey data conforming with birdata methodologies is the scientific way to go. The data can then be used in a variety of ways by Birdlife Australia (our national birding organisaation) for research i.e. compilation of . . . → Read More: eBird vs Birdata Hi all there was another Southern Fulmar from North Head Manly today the second in less than a week also very happy to see a Cape Petrel which have almost been nonexistent from North Head for about 6 or 7 years. Cheers Michael. Help! This Saturday’s session will be open to the general public to plant, weed, and clear bracken along the through route. There have been posters and, I hope, an email to residents of the neighbouring apartment blocks. You are of course welcome to join in – but please help people to . . . → Read More: Help the Heathland this Saturday (8/6) I'm interested in opinions regarding the scientific usefulness of standardised surveys (2ha/20min) submitted to either eBird or Birdata. I understand data entered under a specific format into eBird will be incorporated within Birdata at quarterly intervals, but I don't believe there is any data flow in the other direction. I use Birdata to conduct monthly . . . → Read More: eBird or Birdata I shall be in Darwin next week for work, staying until the morning of Sunday 16 June, but it turns out that the friend and colleague who could have shown me around the local area on Saturday 15 June will now be in Queensland then.
Would any Darwin birder like . . . → Read More: RFI Darwin, Saturday 15 June |