More Pacific Swifts

Hi again Mike,


Another flock of around 100 Pacific Swifts were observed on Goldsborough Road in Goldsborough Valley, south of Cairns, at 11.05am on 14 February.



Tania Ireton

Birding-Aus Digest, Vol 76, Issue 8

The Botanic Gardens Scientists and Seed Bank are doings a truly wonderful job. Obviously more on-ground research in burned areas, particularly those which were previously unburned in living history, needs to be done for many years in order to monitor all kinds of regeneration of plants and animals.

I am pessimistic. There seems . . . → Read More: Birding-Aus Digest, Vol 76, Issue 8

Pacific Swifts

Hi Mike,


63 Pacific Swifts were observed along a stretch of the Bruce Highway south of Cairns from about Warner Road, Yarrabah, feeding over the canefields around 9.45am on 12 February.  The birds were seen whilst we were driving for about five minutes.


One more was observed . . . → Read More: Pacific Swifts

was Mallee Emu-wren..not anymore – now Western Ground Parrot.

Ummm – this thread, which is still very interesting by the way, has morphed from concern for emu-wrens into a discussion on the status of Western Ground Parrot.  If in future someone wants to find it, how do they do so when the posting is titled “Mallee Emu-wren”? Next poster on the WGP thread, . . . → Read More: was Mallee Emu-wren..not anymore – now Western Ground Parrot.

White-throated Needletails in Melbourne

If you live in Melbourne or are visiting and want to get WTNT on your daily, weekly, monthly or yearly list now is the time to look skyward.

In recent years they rarely visit Melbourne, but I think the reason I have seen five flocks in the last four days is that they have . . . → Read More: White-throated Needletails in Melbourne

Mallee Emu-wren

Thanks to all those reassuring posts about the persistence of the Mallee Emu-wren.

Western Ground Parrot is apparently very threatened, and relocation has been suggested, to areas it once was. Why has it gone from those areas? Is captive breeding possible with Ground Parrots? (?presumably not for Emu-wrens). (Illegal aviculture of Button-quail used to occur)

. . . → Read More: Mallee Emu-wren

Mallee Emuwren, US National Parks

Does anyone know whether Mallee Emu-wrens have survived the fires ?

We toured California for a month just before their recent disastrous bush fires, some involving State and National Parks. California has more of these than any other State by far, and an extremely well developed Conservation ethic.

Trump has allowed commercialisation of National (not . . . → Read More: Mallee Emuwren, US National Parks

Land of the smokey bears

I found the below link about the now slightly contentious , perhaps outdated, Smokey Bear, an emblem of the agency in the United States that manages National Parks  –  real national parks, that is, not like our State-managed parks that are labelled ‘National’ in imitation of those Americans.  Some entertain the idea that . . . → Read More: Land of the smokey bears

Quail and Duck Hunting seasons in Victoria, post Bushfires

With a conservative estimate of more than ONE BILLION birds and animals killed by bushfire in South-eastern Australia, WHY do we need quail and duck hunting seasons this year? Please sign my petition, and for the greatest benefit, please share the link so that others can sign.

Image courtesy of Chris Steeles. Please note that . . . → Read More: Quail and Duck Hunting seasons in Victoria, post Bushfires

Birding-Aus Digest, Vol 75, Issue 25

Was the Tasmanian Emu the same as the Mainland species. Or different as was the Kangaroo Island Emu?

Cheers. Michael

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