By Birding-Aus, on May 5th, 2020 Some years ago in search of Alberts and other luscious birding , we stayed at O’Rielly’s and did a long cliff top walk in search of Alberts in particular. Eventually after about ten km had good views, but not displaying.
Decided to take an alternative less direct creek side return walk, but a . . . → Read More: Albert’s adventure
By Birding-Aus, on May 4th, 2020 The social distancing restrictions in Queensland were relaxed to the point that people can legally travel 50 km for recreational purposes, so it was time to pop out for some quality rainforest time.
Mt Tambourine is within 50 km from home and easy to get to by 7:30 am [before the hordes arrive]. Witches Falls . . . → Read More: A Tail of Two Alberts
By Birding-Aus, on May 3rd, 2020 Today grey, mild (+3*C) and as yet still dry. I added three singing Bramblings, and saw a Chiffchaff; this latter a comparative newcomer. When I moved to Tromsø in 1973, there weren’t any yet, but now they are regular. A Grey Heron flew over Folkeparken, where a few pairs nest these last years. They . . . → Read More: Addendum
By Birding-Aus, on May 2nd, 2020 Finally and suddenly……signs of spring in Tromsø As I have reported earlier this winter, northern Norway got a lot of snow this winter, much of which fell in March. Now we have had a week of what we call ‘Easter weather’: a few degrees frost at night, a few degrees above freezing during the . . . → Read More: Finally…..and suddenly!
By Birding-Aus, on April 28th, 2020 From today's Age:
By Birding-Aus, on April 28th, 2020 Hi Folks For anyone in the south coast of NSW area: on the walk to the lighthouse south from Burri Pt Rd, Gorilla Bay, about half a kilometre in, there was a party of about 4 glossy black cockatoos feeding in the casurina/banksia woodland (yesterday). Great birds to see. Kim
Kim Sterelny, School . . . → Read More: glossy blacks
By Birding-Aus, on April 27th, 2020 In my isolation confinement I have been doing some research on Margaret Menzies who lived in the Jamberoo region of N.S.W. from 1839 till 1860. She was a lover of birds and recorded the birds in the area. Unfortunately her journal has been lost and all that has survived is a two page list. . . . → Read More: Old bird names
By Birding-Aus, on April 27th, 2020 The following is a digest of Sightings Reported on Birdpedia for the period Monday, April 27, 2020 to Sunday, May 3, 2020:
Area: SA
Location: Murraylands
Striped Honeyeater (Plectorhyncha lanceolata) (1) Cnr of Eucalyptus and Russell Rds about 14kms NE of Murray Bridge. Also within 150mtrs each way there were a further 16 species sighted.
. . . → Read More: Birdpedia – Australia – Weekly Digest
By Birding-Aus, on April 22nd, 2020 Someone had to suggest it.
A Pandemic of Corvids, a Murder of Crows. An Isolate of Ravens.
(Isolation can caws this to your brain)
Stay sane
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. . . → Read More: Murder or Pandemic
By Birding-Aus, on April 21st, 2020 To anyone wishing to contribute to this, fine, but please delete anything up to and including my posting about “Pandemic”, as I have done, unless you are carrying forward on that issue, and really there isn’t any more to add. At least Jonny was good enough to change the subject header,
. . . → Read More: [Birding-Aus] raven behaviour (was: LACoBirds] PANDEMIC)