By Birding-Aus, on January 11th, 2021 G’day
My most common CBC observation is a single bird calling in flight, with numerous instances of coordinated duos.
A while back I came across a group of 4 hanging out in a eucalypt and I was struck by their similarity with hornbills.
This morning I saw a combination of 7 CBCs (6 in . . . → Read More: Channel-billed Cuckoo aggregations
By Birding-Aus, on January 9th, 2021 I am passing this on for anyone who is interested to do this survey. It is pretty easy and the context of some questions fits the northern hemisphere a bit better. I believe it is genuine. I certainly know that the name Dr Jukka Jokimaki (one of those responsible for this survey), is . . . → Read More: Covid – birding
By Birding-Aus, on January 9th, 2021 Just wondering if anyone here has heard this call before: It's the "mir" call you can hear every few seconds. I suspect it's a Spotless Crake, and found one other similar recording on Xeno-canto labelled as such, but this call isn't described in the field guides, and isn't in any apps or the BOCA . . . → Read More: Mystery swamp call (Altona, Vic)
By Birding-Aus, on January 8th, 2021 2020 ended in Norway the way most of the year has been: awful. A catastrophic landslide on 30 December partly destroyed a village just north of Oslo, and killed 10 people. Just when we thought we had weathered the year not too badly (with ‘only’ 450 dead Norway escaped hitherto comparatively lightly, even . . . → Read More: Start of 2021
By Birding-Aus, on January 2nd, 2021 Hi all,
Can someone please give me Mike’s email address, I have some needletail records for him.
Thanks, Mark
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By Birding-Aus, on January 1st, 2021 Great to meet up with a few other birders on Cairns Esplanade this afternoon to get good views of the Nordmann’s Greenshank discovered and photographed by Adrian Walsh earlier today. His photos are on eBird and show the bird beside a Common Greenshank as well as with lifted wings. What a stunning bird to kick . . . → Read More: From Birding-Aus
By paul, on January 1st, 2021 Yesterday marked the tenth anniversary of the end of Ruth’s and my Victorian Big Year – or VicTwitch.
In 2010 we saw 392 species in Victoria – a record that still stands today. Completing any sort of a Big Year requires a huge amount of commitment and planning – and, most importantly, it requires help . . . → Read More: Tenth anniversary of our Victorian Big Year!
By Birding-Aus, on December 31st, 2020 I am fairly sure I know the answer to this question but I will ask anyway. Does anyone want or know some else who wants a multiple decade collection of Birdlife/Wingspan and New Zealand Birds.
It is time to clean the shelves and I hardly read the new editions . . . → Read More: Bird Magazines
By Birding-Aus, on December 30th, 2020 Seasons Greetings folks. I hope you are enjoying the year end.
We have a pair of Wood Ducks that periodically visit our back yard swimming pool. In addition to the expected the physical reminders of their visits, we also get the occasional egg left on the side of the pool.
My understanding is that . . . → Read More: Wood Duck behaviour
By Birding-Aus, on December 30th, 2020 ; text-indent:0px; text-transform:none; white-space:normal; word-spacing:0px; text-decoration:none; word-wrap:break-word; line-break:after-white-space”> ______________ Gyorgy Szimuly World Shorebirds Day Founder & Organiser
. . . → Read More: Fw: [WorldShorebirdsDay]: Promoting the Eurasian Shorebird Survey