Eaglehawk Pelagic Trip Report, Jan 6th 2019

Eaglehawk Pelagic Trip Report – January 6th, 2019


Ruth Brozek, Helen Cunningham, Sara Grealy, Rob Hamilton, Mona Loofs-Samorzewski, Andi Magnussen, Paul Newman, Peter Vaughan, Els Wakefield and Paul Brooks (organiser and report compiler)

. . . → Read More: Eaglehawk Pelagic Trip Report, Jan 6th 2019

Changes in status of South-East Qld birds over 40 years

This is the fifth report demonstrating changes in the status and distribution of birds in South-East Queensland over 40 years between 1979 – when my booklet, The Birds of South-East Queensland, was published – and 2019. Some changes are doubtlessly influenced by an increased number of observers and technological advances (especially with playback) . . . → Read More: Changes in status of South-East Qld birds over 40 years

rufous scrub-bird & olive whistler

It's odd that Rufous Scrub-bird has disappeared from Pt Lookout and other sites in New England National Park, NSW, which was formerly a stronghold. Olive Whistler remains common there. The reverse has happened in the Border Ranges region of NSW-Queensland: the whistler has largely disappeared while the scrub-bird is doing okay. A blog post . . . → Read More: rufous scrub-bird & olive whistler

The impact of climate on rosella plumage colours

see cosmosmagazine.com/biology/rainfall-and-temperature-determine-a-colourful-plumage

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The little blue book put out by BOCA was a great way to keep your sightings recorded. Is there any chance that it, or something similar could be produced?  Or does anyone know of something similar and where to get it? Bev Morgan

The conservation battle is never finally won; the development battle is.   . . . → Read More: Checklist

News Corp, science, the Adani coalmine and the Southern Black-throated Finch

A well-credentialed opinion piece from today’s Guardian Australia.





The cassowaries’ casque functions as a radiator

see www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/02/190213090822.htm

Birding-Aus mailing list Birding-Aus@birding-aus.org To change settings or unsubscribe visit: birding-aus.org/mailman/listinfo/birding-aus_birding-aus.org

Malleefowl chick discovery on Eyre Peninsula hailed an ‘exciting’ find


Birding-Aus mailing list Birding-Aus@birding-aus.org To change settings or unsubscribe visit: birding-aus.org/mailman/listinfo/birding-aus_birding-aus.org

Calling Birders Interested in Bird Conservation – opportunity on King Island

Skylarks on wires

Bypassing the pelican issue. The answer to questions of the type of Geoffrey’s skylark problem, why, is usually “because their parents do”. However in this case, I reckon it is to prove that they don’t walk backwards. (Something often said of emus and kangaroos).




From: Geoffrey . . . → Read More: Skylarks on wires