Latham’s snipe/Murwillumbah

Hi all
Just thought I’d share my little high that I had this morning

Driving the kids to school and at the end of Tyalgum road just out of Murwillumbah NSW, I see movement in the culvert/drain on my left and the shape of a bird that was unbelievable

Slammed on the breaks and turned around to see a LATHAMS SNIPE (all the way from Japan mind you) crossing the road/walking casually like it owned the place) 😳😳😳
I stopped the car and it flew , then it landed in the short waterlogged grass on the edge of the cow paddock.
I get out of the car and walk towards it slowly…it flies again and lands HIDDEN in the long grass of the cow paddock 🙄…I had great views
A friend of mine just told me this morning he saw a few at a swamp just yesterday…so…they’ve obviously suddenly arrived in the last few days or more I guess and showing up randomly

Just thought I’d share my excitement
Been a while since I saw one and to see one in my backyard almost was awesome
Anyone else seeing them show up in other places???

Kirri 😊

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